I've already told you about such commands as "DIR". However, these commands have many more features than just the simple usage that you already know! Type "Dir /?" and you'll see what I mean!
To use these different features, just type the switch after the command (e.g. "dir /P").
You can also use the DIR commands to show only certain files in a directory, by typing the name of the file (e.g. "dir C:\games\fun.exe" would show just "fun.exe").
If you're going to do something in DOS that will fill up more than one full screen, you can use the MORE command. To do this, type the command line you wish to use, and then type the pipe symbol and "More". See the example below.

Of course, in the case of the DIR command, you could just type "dir /p", but the /p switch applies only to DIR, whereas you can use MORE with absolutely any traditional MS-DOS command you want.

If the the computer is doing something that you want to cancel, you can do so by pressing CTRL+C. Some examples of things you might want to cancel are a "MORE" process that's been going too long or a "COPY" process that you've decided you don't want to do anymore.
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